In this post, I will show how I build a project using ESP32 module and Blynk. Before proceeding, make sure you already have Blynk application. (For install and setup account Blynk, you can follow step from my previous post.)

 As you can see, there are a lot of people who is love plants or flower but does not have time to take care of their plants. Therefore, in this project I will built a smart plants for those in need. 

Hardware :

ESP32 module
Soil Sensor 
Rain Sensor
Water Pump
Connecting Wire
Adapter Power Supply 5v

Software :

Blynk Application
Arduino IDE

Steps :

Firstly, we need to setup blynk account (can see from previous post).Then create telegram bot for notification.

For setup telegram bot:

Install telegram. After that, search BotFather and click start.

To create a new bot, we need to type //newbot and press enter. Then, we need to create a name for our bot as for my bot, I choose anisaziz_bot. Also, we neeed to create username for our bot and it must end in bot for example anisaziz.bot

After all that, go to telegram and search getID to get an id for our bot channel. So, we can put the id in our coding to connect our project with our telegram bot.

*Below is my circuit connection diagram*

*Below is my project prototype*

*Press the link below to view the coding for this project*


Results :

 There are 3 condition that make this project work.

First condition : Dry soil

When soil is dry, the soil moisture sensor will detect and the water pump will ON. 

Second condition : Wet soil 

When soil is wet, the water pump will automatically OFF. 

Third condition : Raining

When is raining, the rain sensor will detect the rainfall and send alert message to user through telegram. So user can OFF the water pump manually. 
